My mother loves her animals and me;
And, of course, my dad’s in there, too.
She shows her love quite unmistakably:
She pets us all, no matter what we do.
I haven’t sprouted yet a bushy tail,
Nor has my dad grown a toothy snout;
But I sometimes feel a critter in such detail
I pant and bark and scurry all about.
But I am glad my mother has a love
That cuts across the paths of innocence.
I know that her sweet feelings long will move
Me to appreciate her scents!
Photo credits: elephant photo by Matt and Kim Rudge ; giraffe photo by nailbender ; hippo photo by belgianchocolate ; impala photo by Arno & Louise ; kittens photo by Gossamer1013 ; lamb photo by law_keven ; raccoon photo by jmtimages (there are no bad days…) ; tiger photo by law_keven ; vervet monkey photo by Arno & Louise ; lions by lince
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