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We Need Forever Families!

“The people at the shelter are really nice and all, but gee, I really wanna family to call my own. I promise to be faithful, true and blue. Can we be forever friends?”


All of the adorable pets we’re featuring in this post are currently available for adoption at Paws Humane in Columbus, GA. Connie, professional pet photographer extraordinaire at T & C Pet Photography Services, takes pictures of the animals at her local shelter on a regular basis. No doubt about it, her efforts help these cuties find their forever families by showing them off in their best light. Connie, on behalf of the animals, thank you!









To learn more about these featured adoptable animals (plus others), please visit Paws Humane in Columbus, GA. For more photos, visit Connie, pet photographer, at T & C Pet Photography Services and her Flickr photostream.

Attention Rescue Organizations, Animal Shelters, and Pet Photographers: Would you like to help the adoptable animals at your local shelter find forever families? Puppies Are Prozac would like to pair folks working with rescue organizations and animal shelters with professional photographers who are willing to donate their services to these animals in need. In turn, Puppies Are Prozac will feature the animals on this web site. We will include links to both the animal shelter/rescue and to the professional photographer. This way, the photographer and the shelter/rescue receive new exposure and customers, and the homeless animals improve their chance of find loving homes. Win-win-win for everyone! Please email Jen at: jen(at)puppiesareprozac(dot)com for more details.

Dear Readers: If you’d like to help these homeless animals find forever families, please pass this post along to your friends and social networks (Stumble Upon, Digg, Twitter, etc). Thanks!

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